Thursday, March 12, 2009


Tonight I hung out with some great friends and worked on brainstorming for the next quarter of lessons that we are writing.  Tonight we hit the 4-6 year old lessons and among a few great ideas, we had a few crazy ones (don't worry none of these made the mark, but caused some laughter).  
My top four favorites 
 - Lock all the children in chains 
 - Draw a picture of the guard with his sword at his throat 
 - Take all the children up to the top of the building and throw them over and see who lives (See Acts 20.)
 - Have a child grab a red cloth and play bull fighting with all of the other children.  This, by the way had absolutely nothing to do with the lesson, but was probably the most random idea that any of us ever had. 

Now - don't you want us hanging out with your kids???

1 comment:

Laura Springer said...

I like them, in a snickery sort of way. :-)