Today was a busy day - but it was a lot of fun.
Here is the run down with some pictures and captions interjected.
To start off, I slept in! Then had a breakfast of strawberry shortcake. Next it was off with Meri for a day of adventure.
First we headed out to Diamand Valley Lake. It was awesome. We scouted out the wildflower trail, which we did not take since it was overcast and most of the wild flowers were asleep.
View from the trail - amazing.
Then we headed back to the car to go check out the rest of the facilities at Diamond Valley Lake.
Here is an ugly beetle we saw on the way to the car.
We checked out the Aquatic center - a pool, water slide and water play area.
We also checked out the visitor center and got some info on the museum out there - which I must go visit soon....
After that, we went to lunch, Homegoods, and Walmart. After that it was time to go home! We were tired... We put together some cookie dough and took naps....
Annabelle, pretending like she was being a good puppy - b/c in reality she was quite the pest most of the day. But that is mainly b/c the two other puppies have invaded her space and she isn't a good sharer.
The result of the cookie dough - we will decorate tomorrow.
The most exciting part of the day was our attempt to make peeps! Yes, we got a recipe on-line (gelatin, water and sugar) and created some fun. They turned out quite a bit smaller than the real things and somewhat deformed, but we got a few cute ones. AND it was a lot of fun!