Monday, June 1, 2009

A busy weekend...

This was a buy weekend.  I spent the weekend in YL with the fam.  Friday night and Saturday noonish, I had work engagements (thus the reason for staying out in the OC).  Both went well and we had fun.  

Then, on Sunday, Kenny and I went to the preschool "new reveal" volunteer training at YLFC.  It was so awesome.  This is something that I remember talking about wanting to do in 2004.  It took us (or rather them, since I am not really there anymore) four years to make it a reality, but it was well worth it.  They had thought through the "what ifs" and "what do we do whens."  It was really exciting to see and to get to be a part in some small way.  It was also great to be with the EC team there and help them out and throw a great training.  Table decor, the new large group stage decor, and great food made the atmosphere great.  Gwin rocked as the preschool leader and I don't think I have anything I could critique (and that's saying a lot since I am a pretty much critical person (although I like to consider it being a realist and just always wanting to improve).  

So, that was my weekend, now on to a quieter next few days at home...

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