Thursday, September 25, 2008

Communities and Churches

So, this week I have been thinking a lot about the church in general and communities. My new church is currently going through a rough time. At the same time my old church (which formerly went through a rough time) is gearing up to see God do some big things. In the mean time, I am on the search for community in the Temecula Valley. My new pastor has an amazing hope in the Church in general and in our specific church. Frankly it is quite amazing to me. I can't really see what he has to be hopeful about.
I know that the church is one of the few institutions the God has commanded and instituted. He created it, it is through the church that he desires to work, he desires to restore people, he desires to show his love, grace, and mercy. It is through the church that his truth is proclaimed. Yet, so many times, the church shows the opposite of all of the above. It quarrels, it turns it back on those who are hurting, condemns the oppressed, it kicks the wounded. I also know that those who inadvertantly do this are also trying to do what is right. I always see this as the saddest thing of all, when "godly" people cause so much pain.
I wonder how to remain hopeful at times... Then I remember those who have been there for me through the years, my fellow coworkers, my fellow church attenders, those in the community group I attend. The families whose children I love. Then I think, this is what church is supposed to be about and I hold onto that.

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