Thursday, January 8, 2009

The first week back...

So, after two great weeks in OC, coming back to the Temecula Valley was a bit rougher than expected.  However there have been some great things that have happened...
Sunday I had 20 kids in my Sunday School class, which was awesome.  I somewhat miss all chaos that used to be my everyday life.  That is a great group of kids as well.
Monday night I got to hang out with an amazing friend and watch some good TV (although the friend was better)
Tuesday I spent the evening at home enjoying some quiet.  
Wednesday I hung out some more, had a great dinner that I helped make.
Today has been quite the day, the highlight was definitely the two scenes I saw on my way to a meeting today.  On one street corner, there looked to be an older possibly homeless guy he seemed to be having some sort of a conversation with a sign twirler.  Yet, I could not tell if one was harassing the other (although it didn't seem confrontational) and they seemed to be talking and walking around in circles around each other.  Very intriguing.  What were they talking about I wondered.  I was still contemplating them when I saw the second bit of intrigue on my ride.    
This was a group of ladies on bicycles (not motorcycles, just to clarify) they all seemed to be wearing animal prints.  (Although they did pass quickly so I didn't get a good look).  In my minds eye, they seemed almost cave women like.  I was quite confused.  I tried to get another look, but it was a busy road and I had to not crash.  All of that in a matter of a couple of minutes.  Why am I telling you about these two things???  I don't know.  Maybe b/c I just need to write something tonight.  
Anyway, all in all, this has been a good week and I am glad to be living in the Temecula Valley.

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